Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Taking the Plunge

Do you ever wake up in the morning with the urge to hurl yourself off a mountain?  No, me neither, but when we´re talking about the views of Rio de Janeiro, one re-accesses ones rationality.

Yes my friends, yesterday I decided to take the plunge!

In the late morning we drove up the twisting roads of a mountain overlooking one of  the beaches in Rio where this scene was awaiting us.

That´s right; a queue of what looked like flying tents.  One of these was what was supposed to carry me safely to the beach below.  The butterflies started to build up in my stomach.

And watching other people taking the dive, in more ways than one, didn´t really help to relieve my nervousness.

I began to have second thoughts, I mean I consider myself a rational person.  Throwing ones body off a cliff isn´t really a reasonable thing to do.  I could just enjoy the view for a while and run down the hill when nobody is looking, right?

Well with Iris watching my every move, the macho male ego prevailed.  I would have to shit bricks quietly and run off the mountain with a smile on my face.

A quick rehearsal of the take off with my pilot Marcelo and I was all set - in theory at least, definitely not in practice.

Before I knew it I was at the head of the queue, about to launch myself into the abyss.

Ready!  3...........2.............1.............ruuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnn.  Look staight ahead, not down, straight ahead.

The initial drop before the wind caught our wings was terrifying but exhilarating at the same time.

Then just Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

After a few breath-taking circles over the hills below we were over the beach ready to take a steep dive into land.

Wow!!!!!!  What a rush!!!!!!!!!

But my dear friends. Hand-gliding off a mountain wasn´t really the plunge I was referring to in the title of this post.  Avy Tahan was about to take a much more serious plunge.

Upon his descent some time before my own, Iris´ brother Eduardo was constantly running a little intelligence operation to find out when exactly Iris would be descending so we could make preparations for the big moment, and when word reached us that she was on her way down, the stage was set.

If you zoom in to this image and scan the beach closely, you´ll notice this.

That´s right it´s your humble blogger standing beside a heart with the words `Iris. Marry Me!´ etched in the sand.  She did notice it on the way down but couldn´t make out the words, so I clarified them upon her landing.

Unfortunately, the video of her landing could not be uploaded to this blog to share with you all.

What did happen was I got down on one knee wearing the speedos that Iris bought me and popped the question - Iris Chvaicer, will you marry me? Naturally she said yes without hesitation.

Like I said my friends, today I really took the plunge - the plunge for life.  Iris, I love you! xxxxxx!


  1. Congrats!!!
    This is great news!
    from all of us here in the real world...:)

    Find a way for the video to upload somewhere!!!!!...:D
