Monday, December 17, 2012

Para, para, paradise, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh.

I had heard about the legend of Iguacu from numerous people. They described a tropical paradise where the force of gravity and millions of gallons of water would conspire to create what are known as giant "waterfalls." Could this really be? Water falling? I had serious doubts. But I knew that i couldn't risk missing this and in the process fail in my duty to all of you, my dear followers.

So at the crack of dawn, I was still asleep, but around high noon I reached the tropical forest in the middle of which, legend had it, lay this unworldly, mystical place of the Iguacu falls.

After negotiating a vicious gang of flamingos with my life barely in tact,

A little bird told me to speak to a bigger bird up the 1763th tree to left

Who advised me to seek guidance from the giant spider in the sky

Who tricked me, leading me into the clutches of a giant anaconda

Which I wrestled for many hours before being saved by a wild Amazonian water nymph

who finally led me to what I'd been looking for. Para, para paradise

Para, para, paradise
Para, para, paradise

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh.

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