Saturday, December 22, 2012

The name's Coacoara, Jerry Coacoara

There are few occasions in life when you get to cross paths with a true living legend. An individual whose charisma simply knocks you off your feet, whose sex appeal can be sensed a mile off and whose charm never goes wasted on man,woman or beast.

Well luckily for us, my friends, after barely a week spent in Brazil we had the privilege of making the acquaintance of such an individual.  His name was Coacoara, Jerry Coacoara!

With his god-like physique sporting skin-tight speedos revealing a bulge bigger than Sugar Loaf Mountain in Rio de Janeiro, his gleaming, oiled bronzed skin blinding many who have stared for too long, and his bunda so hard than he could crack a coconut between his buttocks, Jerry was the epitomy of Brazilian manhood.

A simple "Bom Dia Garota" would cause many a girl to drool uncontrollably and then faint on the spot,

his hypnotic natural strut would cause many a man to collide with a coconut tree,

and the trail of sexually-charged, musky scent that he would leave in his wake would cause many a donkey to attempt making love to a sand buggy.

All the garotas (girls) want a piece of him, all the guys want to be him and all the beasts want to be his pet.

If I was half the man he was, it would be more than enough for me.  What a guy!


  1. OOH!! Very manly!! I need a man like that!

    1. Verdade garota!
      But I'm afraid he's not a one woman man.
